Saturday, 20 April 2013

pathfinder MMORPG - an introduction

i do love me a bit of role playing be it on a table or in a MMO so for the fact that goblin works will be releasing a pathfinder MMO has made me very happy, not only that they what to make it a sandbox to be like EVE online is getting my senses tingling all over so i will be harping on about this game up until its release. but first an intro to the background of the world and the area called the river kingdoms.

the world of golarion is an old world with empires built on top of old empires witch where built on older ones everything was cool in the wold until Aroden the top god died. opening a would in the world with demons crawling out of it and it only continues to grow his death also started off a huge hurricane called the Eye of Abendego sinking a kingdom or two in the process. so thats the premise behind the would its going to hell in a hand basket but what a bout the river kingdom i hear you ask well thats for next time 

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